10 Best Gardening Tools and Tips to Make Gardening Easier


10 Best Gardening Tools to Make Gardening Easier

Growing a garden and working in the garden doesn’t have to be difficult.  If you have a bad back, bad knees and joints, have a small yard, have to deal with rodents or animals in your garden, need help with watering or just want to learn how to garden there are many helpful tools and ways to begin your garden. From raised beds that you can easily grow vegetables to watering systems that keep your plants and flowers looking good all summer long.  Whether you are a beginner or experienced gardener these items are some of the top, bestselling items that gardeners are using year after year to get their gardens in the best shape and bloom all summer long!
10 Best Gardening Tools for Gardening


Garden Essentials for Your Yard

Best Choice Products Mobile Rolling Garden Work Seat w/Tool Tray and Basket - Green
Garden Scooter for Pain Free Gardening
Make your gardening easier when you can swivel and roll with ease while planting or maintaining your garden.  A Garden tractor (scooter) will allow you to work from a seated position virtually anywhere in your yard.  Plus this back-saving scoot is not only great for gardening—but is useful for washing tires, painting low spots, and many other projects.
A Grow Bed is an easy way to grow your garden without the hassle of digging or weeding. Great for small spaces or patio gardening. They are earth friendly and reduce pest problems.  An effective way to grow a garden without doing any harm to nature. You can Order Easy to Install Grow Beds Online 
Gardener's Supply Company Red Tomato Ladders, Heavy Gauge, Set of 3
If you are planning on a big tomato crop this year you will want something that will handle the load. These ladders hold over 100 lbs and the v-shaped design protect each plant’s main stem. Plus they compact when you are not using them during the off season. These are really sturdy and great for your tomato gardens.
Fiskars 94056949 Kangaroo Collapsible Container, 30gal, 30 Gallon Green
A Garden Bin is excellent for mixing soil, moving plants around, harvesting plants, hauling, storing and so much more! Tubtrugs are one of the most useful gardening and household tools ever. These flexible, lightweight polyethylene tubs are washable, bendable, crushable and nearly indestructible. We use the small, 3-1/2 gallon trug for moistening potting soil, harvesting veggies for dinner and holding mittens in the mudroom. With several Tubtrugs already hard at work at home and in the garden, we keep finding uses for a few more!
AGTEK Garden Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric 2.8oz 4x50 FT Heavy-Duty Ground Cover Eco-Friendly Weed Control
Garden fabric allows you to extend the growing season and protect your plants from harsh weather conditions. It can also be used as a summertime pest control item. It’s great for both spring and fall planting and has a 70% light transmission.


Flantor Garden Irrigation System, 1/4" Blank Distribution Tubing Watering Drip Kit/DIY Saving Water Automatic Irrigation Equipment Set for Garden Greenhouse, Flower Bed,Patio,Lawn
An easy way to create a customizable way to water your vegetable garden. This system can be set up in about an hour and will water approximately 25 rows in your garden. It works beautifully and is so easy to put together for the plants to get enough water every day.


Cat scat mat Anti-Cats Network Digging Stopper Prickle Strip Home Pest Repellent
Here’s a way to keep neighborhood cats from using your garden or container plantings as a litter box. The Cat Scat Mat is a non-toxic way to prevent cats from getting in your garden plants.  It will also deter dogs and other small animals. The flexible plastic spikes are harmless but effective with animals. It’s the perfect non-toxic safe solution.


Raised Bed Corners, Pivoting Connectors, 10 Inch Set of 2
An easy and convenient way to build a custom raised bed garden. The hinged corners will allow you to form any angle greater than 90 degrees. Heavy duty solid quality, easy and quick to use to put your raised bed garden together. 




Patio Furniture Set Covers Waterproof Outdoor Table Covers Sectional Conversation Loveseat Sofa Set Covers Waterproof Durable Heavy Duty  88" L x 58" W x 28" H
One of the most popular gardening items to come around in years! The VegTrug is popular because it sets your garden at an easy gardening height so there is no bending or straining your back when you plant, tend or harvest your garden. An elevated garden also means less pests and weeds to deal with. Plus, it comes with a garden cover so you can start gardening earlier in the year.  Easy to assemble.
Ohuhu Garden Kneeler and Seat with 2 Bonus Tool Pouches
One of the best garden kneelers for comfort and support. Use your arm strength to lower yourself down for weeding, planting and harvesting. Can be flipped over to be used as a padded bench.  Come ins purple or green colors.
More Garden Ideas…

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