How to Transform your Garden with the French Manicure Hydrangea

French manicure Hydrangea

A Review of the French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea

The French Manicure Hydrangea is the perfect addition to any yard. We received our Hydrangea from Nature Hills Nursery in exchange for this review.

From the time we received our French Manicure Hydrangea until we place it in the ground, I knew it was going to be a beautiful edition to our yard. It was packed and shipped with care and came out of the box just needing a little TLC.

We received the French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea 3 Container from Nature Hills Nursery. Check out the photos and information below of the French Manicure Hydrangea plant we received, where and how we planted it in our garden and how to take care of the Hydrangea plant in your yard.

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If you are looking to add a little color to your garden all summer yard the French Manicure Hydrangea is the perfect shrub for any size yard or garden. It’s a beautiful green plant without the flowers as well as with the white and pink flowers it gets in the summertime!

Unboxing the French Manicure Hydrangea

Unboxing the French Manicure Hydrangea
Unboxing the French Manicure Hydrangea

I tracked the package with the Hydrangea from the day Nature Hills shipped it to me until FedEx dropped it off. When the French Manicure Hydrangea arrived on our front porch in the long cardboard box I wondered how it would survive traveling from Nature Hills to Wisconsin.

To my surprise when we opened the box the plant was held in place and wrapped in a plastic drawstring bag to hold the dirt inside of the container. We pulled the Hydrangea out of the box and it look perfect! All we had to do next was give the plant a little water and place it in a safe spot to recover before planting it.

Recovering Hydrangea
French Manicure Hydrangea with out other Hydrangeas

Choosing the Perfect Spot to Plant Our New Hydrangea

Planting a variety of Hydrangea’s in our yard and the French Manicure Hydrangea fits in perfectly with our Endless Summer Hydrangeas and other plants.

Each year we make room for plants that we move around from different spots in our garden along with any new plants that we purchase. This year we took out some old bushes and placed our Hydrangeas in a spot along our house. In addition the French Manicure was going to get placed near the other Hydrangeas and plants.

Order the French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea Here….

I’m so glad we choose the French Manicure Hydrangea to plant in our garden. The new plant was placed near our patio in order for them to receive full sun and part shade during the day. In addition we have a great view of the Hydrangea from inside or outside of our house!

A view from our patio during the summer
A view from our patio during the summer

In the summer we like to sit outside on our patio swing and relax with our Hydrangeas, Lilies, Black-eyed Susan’s, Cannas and Zinnia in our yard.

It’s also nice when we are inside our home. There we also have a great view of our yard while we eat breakfast in the morning or dinner in the evening.

The above photo is from our yard in 2023. We have a small yard but we like a variety of plants from perennials to annuals. We also plant containers and place them around the patio with a variety of plants.

The French Manicure Hydrangea is the perfect plant for zones 3-8 . It will have no problem surviving our cold Wisconsin winters. Now we just have to wait for the colorful full-sized flowers to bloom with the amazing creamy white flowers that transition throughout the summer to deep pink-red at the flower base. Just like the best French Manicure!

One of the things I like is that It’s a hardy, wood Hydrangea with full-sized flowers and amazing colors!

Carefully Planting the French Manicure Hydrangea

Once we selected the perfect spot for planting the Hydrangea we needed to gather up our tools. This included a shovel, a wheel barrow (for our extra dirt), potting mix or soil and mulch.

Planting Instructions for the French Manicure Hydrangea

Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball and only as deep as the pot, set the root ball in the hole so the top is even with the soil level, no deeper. Fill with soil and top off with 3-4 inches of mulch. Saturate the soil with lots of water.

Learn more about the French Manicure Hydrangea and How to Grow it in Your Garden Here…

Planting with Care

Planting your hydrangea be sure to carefully place it in the hole and make sure that it’s not too shallow or too deep. It’s always good to have the right type of soil and be sure to place mulch around the plant once you are done.

Hydrangeas like a lot of water so be sure to water daily until the plant is established. During the summer heat make sure that you water your hydrangeas on as much as needed. You will know if they start wilting they definitely need water.

We had to move out some old dirt and rocks in order to plant our new Hydrangea. We made sure to make the hole large enough for the plant but not too deep or wide. We also added some good soil potting mix for it to soak up the moisture and stay healthy.

Once we had it planted we used some of the mulch that was in the original container that the plant came with on top and some mulch that we purchased for our plants. The mulch will help the Hydrangea hold moisture and make the planting area look nice.

Moving some of Our Plants around to Make Room

The French Manicure Hydrangea height is 4-5 feet and width is 4-5 feet so after we planted it in the garden we decided to do some rearranging and move a few of our other plants to another area in the yard.

After rearranging the plants the Hydrangea had enough space to grow and for us to be able to enjoy it this summer when it begins to bloom. Right now with everything being smaller we may still have to move or rearrange some plants in the future but for now everything looks good.

French Manicure Hydrangea with out plants and Hydrangea in our yard

While I am pleased with the final look of the French Manicure Hydrangea only time will tell how big it will get and if we selected the right spot for it in our yard. If not we can always move it to a better spot if it needs more room to grow and survive.

Planting Care and Application

  • Full Sun & Partial Shade
  • Enriched Well-Drained Soil
  • Consistent Water Needs
  • Appreciates Mulched Beds
  • Blooms on New Wood – Prune in Very Early Spring

Panicle Hydrangeas do their very best and have the strongest stems in full sun, but French Manicureâ„¢ tolerates part shade as well!

Where to Get the French Manicure Hydrangea

The French Manicureâ„¢ Panicle Hydrangea is exclusive to Nature Hills Nursery. Hurry and order this new Nature Hills exclusive flowering shrub today before they’re sold out!

Order the French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea Here….

Planting Resources and Guides for Your Plants

How to Transform Your Garden with Hydrangeas

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