12 Super Simple Stitch Crochet Patterns to Help Improve your Crochet

Super Simple Crochet Patterns 12 Designs

Super Simple Crochet Stitch Patterns

Create beautiful textures with 12 simple stitch patterns. Plus Tips & Techniques to improve your crochet.
Skill Level – Easy
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12 Simple Stitch Patterns will help you create multiple patterns. Plus there are tips and techniques to help improve your crochet.
6 detailed sets of instruction. Work up a sampler afghan or adapt the stitch patterns for over 25 more projects. Refer to the Project Box for each stitch pattern where calculations are already done for you! Did You Know section for information to improve your technique. Up-close color photos throughout to make it easy to stay on track and turn simple stitches into beautiful textures.




Just a Few of the Super Simple Crochet Patterns that You can Make


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Super Simple Crochet Stitch patterns

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